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Sturgeon Ossetra (Black) Caviar PASTEURIZED 100 g (3.5 oz.) jar

Sturgeon Ossetra (Black) Caviar PASTEURIZED

100 g (3.5 oz.) jar
Our Price: $99.00

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This Russian Sturgeon caviar originates from the nearly wild grown sturgeon aquacultured in unpolluted, crystal clear water surrounded by virgin forests. Here the Ossetra Sturgeon is aqua cultured under pristine, environmentally-friendly conditions resulting in the world class quality caviar, which stands on par with the best sturgeon caviars on the market. The grains are firm with a diameter of over 2.9 mm and its color can be pearl-grey, or dark-grey. The flavor is rich and nutty with a long lasting aftertaste. Cured in compliance with Molossol style, with no preservatives added, the caviar is packed in a traditional glass jar and pasteurized.